Brief Introduction on History of Concrete Mixer Development

Concrete mixer is one of the indispensable equipment in modern construction sites, and its development has undergone many years of evolution and improvement. This article will give you a detailed introduction to the development history of concrete mixer.

1. Early manual mixing stage:

In the early days of human construction, concrete was prepared by hand mixing. Workers stir the mixture of cement, aggregate and water with a spade or a hand mixer to get an even mixture. This is time-consuming, labor-intensive and inefficient.

2. The appearance of mechanical agitator:

At the end of the 19th century, the advent of mechanical stirrers revolutionized the way concrete was prepared. Early mechanical agitators used a rotary blade design to rotate the aggregate and cement to mix it evenly. Although this kind of mechanical agitator improves the production efficiency, but because of the simple structure, the mixing effect is not ideal.

3. Development of forced mixer:

At the beginning of the 20th century, the emergence of forced mixers further improved the effect of concrete mixing. The forced mixer uses a conical blade and adds an additional forced mixing mechanism. This design allows for better mixing of cement and aggregate, resulting in greater uniformity and quality of concrete.

4. Volume adjustable concrete mixer:

With the increasing demand of construction, people put forward higher requirements for the quality and production efficiency of concrete. Therefore, the volume adjustable concrete mixer came into being. The volume adjustable concrete mixer can adjust the capacity of the mixing bucket according to the actual demand, which greatly improves the production efficiency and flexibility.

5. Automatic control:

With the development of science and technology, automatic control technology has been applied to concrete mixers. The introduction of computer control system makes the mixing process more accurate and controllable, automatically adjusts the mixing time and mixing speed, and improves the quality and stability of concrete.

6. Modern concrete mixer:

Today, concrete mixers have achieved modern development. The application of a variety of technologies, such as high-efficiency motors, more powerful mixing blades and intelligent control systems, makes concrete mixers have higher production capacity and work efficiency.

In short, the concrete mixer after years of development, from manual mixing to mechanical mixing and then to modern automatic control, constantly improve the construction efficiency and concrete quality. With the continuous progress of science and technology, the development prospects of concrete mixers will be broader and contribute more to the development of the construction industry.